Weronika Chmielewska
Chairwoman of the Board and Co-founder of the Foundation
Passionate about practicing mindfulness and self-compassion in life.
Happily married, with challenges in motherhood, fulfilled professionally.
An economist – graduate of the Warsaw School of Economics and Cass Business School in London. Earns her living as an insurance broker.
Gaining her experience as the teacher of the Mindfulness-Based Living Course (MBLC – Mindfulness Association) and Mindful Compassionate Parenting (MCP).
Important training and meetings:
- Awakening Your Fearless Heart – Tara Brach, 2023
- Mindful Compassionate Parenting – teacher training, 2022
- The Conscious Parenting Coaching Institute Dr. Shefali Tsabary, New York – certification in 2022
- Self-compassion for educators – Mindful School, 2022
- The Mindful Self-Compassion Intensive, Kristin Neff and Christopher Germer, Holland 2022
- The Year of Awakened Heart, Dr. Shefali Tsabary 2020
- Mindful Education Teacher Training, Online 2018
- An Evening with Eckhart Tolle, London 2017
- Intimacy With Awareness: An Evening Exploring Mindfulness with John Kabat-Zinn, New York 2016
- Mindfulness Fundamentals, Mindful Schools USA
- Mindful Educator Essentials, Mindful Schools USA
- AIG Academy, Leadership Academy, Center for Leadership, prof. Cezary Wójcik
“I have created the EduMind Foundation because I have experienced first-hand how mindfulness improves the quality of life and is a practical tool for everyday challenges. I believe that it is a great life-long gift for children”.
Ewa Orłowska
Board Member
Mindfulness trainer (MBSR, MBLC and .b) and Nonviolent Agreements, mediator and mindfulness training supervisor (Mindfulness Association). Worked as a teacher and school’s headmaster as well as a teachers’ consultant at the Education Development Center. Currently she is a trainer in teachers’ training courses and a member of the Waking School – a grassroots movement of changes in education.
German specialist – graduated from Warsaw University with a Master’s degree in Neo-Philology.
I am a mother of two adult sons, I live in Warsaw, although sometimes I would prefer to be in the Beskid Niski mountains.
Important training and meetings:
- The Mindfulness Training Supervisor – MBLC in the Mindfulness Association, 2018
- Mindfulness Trainer – MBSR – The Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches certificate in Germany, 2014
- Certified Trainer of the Nonviolent Communication – Center for Nonviolent Communication, 2007
- Certified Teaching Groups’ Moderator of the Friborg Model – Universtatsklinikum, Freiburg, 2017
- Graduated from the Mediation School of the National Association of Professional Mediators, 2010
- Completed “Intensive Mediation Course according to Non-Violent Communication“, 2013.

“I have co-created the EduMind Foundation, because mindfulness reminds me how to be a human being. I dream about schools where mindful teachers prepare students for both independent and teamwork, and where competition is replaced by understanding. I am inspired by J. W. Goethe’s motto: Whatever you want to do, whatever you dream about, start working. Boldness includes genius, strength and magic.”
“I have created the EduMind Foundation because I think that the most important thing in education is the relationship that allows to transfer knowledge between teacher and student. Mindfulness practiced together can make this relationship subjective, authentic and close”.

Dorota Piasecka
Certified mindfulness trainer MBLC (Mindfulness Based Living Course) and compassion CBLC (Compassion Besed Livivg Course). Trainer mindfulness for young adults MBLC-YA.
A lawyer by education, she spent most of her professional life managing a publishing offer for lawyers and law students.
Mindfulness became an important part of her life to the point that she gave up working in management and started sharing mindfulness with others. She is a mother of a university student and a high school student. She spends her free time in the mountains with her husband, following their passions together.
Accompanying other people in the process of discovering their own practice of mindfulness gives her the most satisfaction. She leads 8-week mindfulness programs, workshops and trainings.
Important trainings and meetings:
- Certificated Insight Course Mindfulness Association 2022
- Mindfulness Training MindWell Education 2022
- Supervision Training Mindfulness Association 2021
- Certificated Compassion Teacher Training CBLC 2020
- Retreat „Engaged Mindfulness” 2019
- Certificated Mindfulness Teacher Training MBLC 2018
- Retreat „Where mindfulness meets compassion” 2018
- Certificated Compassion Course 2018
- Certificated Mindfulness Course 2017
- Leading Change with Insight, Babson College 2008
- Postgraduate Study in Management and Marketing SGH 2006
“I personally experienced how the practice of mindfulness changes us and our environment, increases a quality of life and relations. It is my dream to bring mindfulness classes to every Polish school, for teachers, students and parents.”
Marta Znaniecka
She has a PhD in Pedagogy and is a certified MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) and MSC (Mindful Self-Compassion) trainer. She completed trainings to develop mindfulness with children and adolescents (Mindfulness in Schools Project and Mindful Schools). She participates in Gestalt School of Psychotherapists (Institute of Integral Therapy Gestalt in Krakow) education.
She offers mindfulness trainings for adults, adolescents and children as a part of Stress Reduction Laboratory in Gdansk.
She is a wife and a mother to three wonderful daughters.
Important trainings and meetings:
- Six Months Online Practice Intensive, Megan Cowan & Chris McKenna, 2018.
- Mindful Self-Compassion Teacher in Training, Center for Mindful Self-Compassion, Holland 2018.
- Mindful Self-Compassion Intensive, Chris Germer &Kristine Neff, Holland 2017.
- Mindfulness-Based Intervention from Inside, Jon Kabat-Zinn, London 2017.
- One-year training on cognitive-behavioral therapy – disorders in adults – Warsaw 2016
- Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Teacher, The Institute for Mindfulness-Based Approaches w Germany, 2014.
- Certificate of the School of Business Trainers, TROP Academy, Warsaw 2008.

“Mindfulness in education means including a fundamental aspect of self care and care for others in the process of teaching children. For me, that was a missing element in my education, that I was not lucky enough to experience as a student. I wish for my three daughters to have this opportunity today. In my opinion, an invitation to explore one’s inner world (mind and heart) should be considered as important as exploring the world outside.”
Justyna Wiąckiewicz
Certified mindfulness trainer for children and teenagers (Eline Snel © method), expert in Dr. Shanker’s Self-Reg approach, “Positive Discipline in the Classroom” educator.
Experienced music, primary school and preschool teacher.
Doctor of humanities in the field of arts (Jagiellonian University), graduate of musicology (KUL), theology (UKSW), and early school and pre-school education (WS Humanitas).
For 18 years associated with the monastic environment, practicing meditation and conducting scientific research on the medieval music and liturgical tradition. Currently, spends most of his time making music, working with children, reading good books and walking in the woods.
Important trainings and meetings:
- Self-Reg Foundations by Dr. Shanker, The Mehrit Center 2021
- Early school education and pre-school education post-graduate studies, WS Humanitas 2020
- “Discovering the Practice of Mindfulness” teacher training program at the Mindfulness Academy for Youth with Michael Sanderson, Warsaw 2020
- Positive Discipline Association certification training, Warsaw 2020
- Training course with Eline Snel at the Academy for Mindful Teaching, Netherlands 2019
certification training: 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree hand therapy, Developmental Movement according to W. Sherborne 1st degree, Social Skills Training

Michał Chmielewski
Head of Fundraising
A practicing sea-sailor, a non-practicing aviator. An enthusiast of difficult tasks and a grown-up with Asperger Syndrome. A fulfilled entrepreneur maneuvering small affairs in the big world.
- Simon Sinek – Phoenix, January 2015
- Gary Vaynerchuk – motivational speech, 2016 Las Vegas
- An Evening with Eckhart Tolle – 2017, Londyn
- Intimacy With Awareness: An Evening Exploring Mindfulness with John Kabat-Zinn, 2016, Nowy Jork
- AIG Academy – Leadership Academy, Center for Leadership, prof. Cezary Wójcik
- Training courses for insurance industry
„For me, the Foundation is a dream come true, and its effects are not only measurable but also important. This importance translates onto people and their world, and not the company’s growth. well-being. It’s the people who create surrounding us world, and only fulfilled, free and aware people can make it better. At least around themselves. That’s how great communities arise.”
Świętosława Palmowska-Maciaszek
A lawyer (legal adviser) according to her education and an insurance person by passion. Currently deals with broadly understood claim settlements.
Married for a long time, a mother of a teenage daughter affected by education reform.
“I became interested in mindfulness, because I see in it great opportunities for helping people get to know one another, as well as helping both adults and children find solutions to their problems associated with the rapidly changing environment.”